
In Russia Google is not the leading search engine. Kanlli specializes in Yandex, the search engine with the highest market share in Russian Federation.

If you are interested in growing your brand in Russia and/or post-Soviet states, you would be interested in getting in touch with us, as we are experts in search engine advertising (SEA) and search engine optimization (SEO) on Yandex, the largest search engine on Russian market.

In order to run succesful paid search campaings on Yandex, we have a Russian team in Madrid for coordination and optimization of clients’ advertising campaigns along with Yandex team for Europe. Beside this, we have partners in Moscow, who help us to develop strategies with local focus.


Kanlli offers customized consulting services to help you to launch your pay per click campaigns in Yandex or to optimize your web rankings in organic search results.

Many specialized media, such as Cinco DíasIpmark o Adigital have mentioned and outlined our collaboration with Yandex.

If you want to launch advertising campaigns in Yandex, contact us and we will respond all your questions.

To find out more about services, Kanlli offers, visit our Case Studies .